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“Call it quits,” Ted
told his brother. “You’re just wasting money on this.”
Steve really did love
the great outdoors, but Ted, his brother, was not convinced about that. Every
time they went out to the desert or up to the mountains for a hike, Steve would
fool around the whole time, playing with the animals and investigating little
side paths, and just not getting down to the business of hiking to where they
were going.
So, when the big
opportunity came up for Ted, he didn’t tell Steve about it. Eventually,
however, Steve did find out and begged his brother to be taken along.
“After all, how often
does one get a chance to go to Africa?” he asked. “You’ve just been invited to
go along with this wildlife photography group and you’re not going to bring me?
I’m more interested in wildlife than anyone you know.”
Of course, in the end
Ted brought his brother. But things went just like he’d expected. Steve was
always the last in the line as they walked to the next destination. Even when
they had a good road to travel on, there he would be way behind everyone else,
not even using the walking stick that Ted had bought for him. If he wasn’t
lagging behind, he would be talking to the animals.
“He thinks he’s Doctor
Doolittle,” Ted would grouse.
One time Steve rode a
rhinoceros—don’t ask me how he did it. Another time, as they crossed a lake, he
played with the hippos. The group had to wait for him each time. Finally Ted
had had enough.
“Call it quits,” Ted
told his brother. “You’re just wasting money on this.”
“But tell me, dear
brother,” Steve said mildly. “Why is it that you never took a picture of me
while I was playing with the gorillas, or swinging from the trees with the
chimpanzees, or hypnotizing that cobra? You’ve missed a great opportunity.”
Later, Ted had cause to
regret the fact that he hadn’t taken pictures of his brother—when Steve Irwin
became a famous wildlife expert.
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“Living so far from town had
proved to be more challenging than he expected.”
Being a storm chaser required Sebastian to settle in the
remote areas of the plains. Being a New
York City boy, he thought the change would be refreshing. He was wrong. Lliving so far from town had
proved to be more challenging than he expected. First of all, the tornados were too few and
far between. Secondly, the few neighbors
he had become acquainted with regarded him as strange, alien. Behind his back, he suspected, they called
him “city slicker.” But the final factor
that soured him on the area was the lack of terrain. The landscape was flat, even, unmarked by
hills, rills, valleys, or streams.
Although intellectually, he knew this was essential for the
tornado formation he was hoping to research, nonetheless, the work bored
him. Until the day, that is, when he saw
the giant funnel cloud approaching. He
ran to his vehicle and raced to the site.
With lightening speed he set up his filming equipment. His timing was just a little too late,
however, and before he could press “record” the swirling winds swooped him up
and he found himself in the center of the maelstrom.
He looked around incredulously. Although his original thought when the
tornado enveloped him was that at least it would give him the opportunity to
escape his neighborhood, there in the eye of the storm swirled all of his
neighbors, grinning and elbowing each other with glee. “Welcome to the country, City Slicker.” He smiled back, wanly, until the tornado spit
him out and he returned to his vehicle and drove back to New York City.
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by NC
He was in Rome, looking every bit an American cowboy, pretending he was a world famous Rodeo champion. He wore a cowboy hat and boots but was afraid of horses. His contact said meet me by the Parthenon.
Everything depended on him to get the little kid back. He was about 2 years old and had been kidnapped yesterday. Guido and Luigi thought, easy money. They weren't very bright but their plan had worked. Their old horse had a gas problem, but it attracted the kid. There he was - their cowboy; the kid on the street, cops grabbed him, he grabbed them. Old horse farted, cowboy fainted.
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"She loved the ocean and often cried privately because it was too costly to move closer to it."
by TNT
"Maison des Poisons"
They were employed at the Maison des Poisons, which means House of Fish, not the House of Poisons. She hated filleting fish and pulling their guts out. It was disgusting. Why couldn't she just chop carrots and celery, or bake biscuits. But no... She was designated the Fish Disemboweler - the murderer of live lobsters who yelled at her when she dropped them into boiling water. She felt cursed by the lobsters who waved claws at her.
She loved the ocean and often cried privately because it was too costly to move closer to it. How she longed to hear the roar of surf and the tides always moving. Then one day it happened. Her husband laughed at her when she told him they were cursed by the lobsters - but it happened.
She looked at him. He was a trout wearing his chef hat. He looked at her - she was a trout, too. Now they would have to move to a mountain stream or a lake. It was the curse of the lobsters. The lobsters in their aquarium looked out and hooted "Don't mess with us! We got you back! HA HA HA!"
She sadly took off her apron and went to pack. She would have to dine on grubs and worms now. Goodbye, Maison des Poisons.
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“She dug frantically in her purse for her keys.”
It had been one of those days: She had a bad experience at
the doctor’s office, cold pasta salad with an ant in it for lunch, and the
headliner came down in her old car on the way home. She pulled into her
driveway and thought, finally it’s over, I’m home.
Then she remembered that the
world had changed. Home just meant bills to be paid, and a lot more of them
headed her way. The house had to be cleaned, too, but she was too tired to even
think of pushing a vacuum cleaner. Standing at the front door, she realized
that cleaning and bill paying felt archaic now. She wanted something different
from the rest of her life.
She dug frantically in her purse for her keys and went back
to her car. She drove four hours to the beach. The water was mesmerizing. Dropping
her shoes and bag in the sand, she stepped into the ocean. There was something
out there for her, she could feel it. It was calling to her. She stood for
hours listening, until the misty sea breeze brought a chill to her bare arms.
Then she walked back to the car and fell asleep. Clarity still eluded her when
she woke, but it gave her something else to think about, and that was enough.
She drove home.
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"He had been in special school when young and always felt different from the rest of society."
by BG
Pierre watched the soldiers as they filed down the street. He wished he had it in him to join them but he knew there were other contributions he would make to the war effort. Even so, he would have liked to be able to join in as all the others in his village had. They had such rapport with each other. Their camaraderie was enviable. Oh well, what could he do. He had been in special school when young and always felt different from the rest of society. One would never know to look at him but he would go on to be a great scientist and be able to help people in his own way.
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"It would not be easy but he was determined to succeed."
by KC
The brothers decided to do something had had never been attempted.
Everest...done. Swim the Channel...done. Most epic crossings had been completed 50 years - hell, 100 years before.
Bob and Donald scoffed when Rich suggested it. Sure it had been tried - but belly crawling across Death Valley in the summer could be a death sentence.
Rich was sure he could talk his brothers into it. It would not be easy but he was determined to succeed talking his brothers into the crossing, not completing it! THAT would be another story.
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"Don't worry about the details," he cajoled them. "They'll take care of themselves."
by GS
She thought she was being subtle, giving her fans the middle finger salute, but enough noticed to start a mini riot. Being a sex symbol is not an easy role, though it was much more lucrative than her days as a high-priced call girl.
As she pondered the effect she had on her admirers, a lone guard tried to protect her from the crowd. "Don't worry about the details," he cajoled them. "They'll take care of themselves." He knew if violence started he would be powerless to protect her from the frenzy. He asked Lola to beat a hasty retreat before the situation exploded, but she was smugly enjoying her power over the mass of humanity in front of her and continued her rude gesture.
Then it happened! A rock came flying out of the crowd and just missed her. the guard was calling for back up when the details took care of themselves and she was stoned to death. Moslem fanatics have no sense of humor!
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"It didn't take him five minutes to complete; he amazed everyone watching."
He was to pick the prettiest sister, Ying or Yang, for marriage, but the decision was too difficult because they each had a strange, mysterious ugly beauty of their own.
It didn't take him five minutes to complete, he amazed everyone watching when he chose both of them.
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