Saturday, November 21, 2015

Session November 21, 2015
"They stood near the doorway, keeping their distance, too fascinated to look away."

The door slowly creaked open. They stood near the doorway, keeping their distance, too fascinated to look away. They could hear it inside, moving around slowly.

They could hear it scrabbling from one wall to the other and it seemed at times to be climbing up the walls and even crossing the ceiling. Then it ran crazily around the room, faster and faster, then stopped suddenly.

Their ears hurt from straining to listen for its next move. They all knew they needed to get away. But the fascination held them. They could not even speak to one another.

Suddenly the door creaked. They all jumped and backed away. The little scrabbling noises started again, and then, without warning, a small horned creature spun out of the room, raced in a circle in the hallway and leaped over the railing. They could hear it skittering around on the landing beneath them.

They backed to the wall, eyes scanning wildly from the railing to the staircase. “We should get in the room and shut the door,” whispered Lisa. Everyone murmured assent and as one they sidled down the hallway and slipped into the room. Lisa shut the door.

They heaved a sigh of relief before turning around. Then they all screamed at once.
“Lacey pulled her hair into a bun and put on bright pink lipstick.”

It had been quite an ordeal to reach the Pole! There had never been such a large crowd before. The planning alone took almost three years and millions of dollars. When everything was ready for the ceremony they formed a circle around the Pole. Since there were photographers recording the event, Lacy pulled her hair into a bun and put on bright pink lipstick. She wanted Fred to recognize her while he watched the news clip on TV back in Peoria. Just as the ceremony started there was a loud boom and suddenly the crowd was dumped into the icy water as the heat from the camera lights melted the surrounding ice. It was a sad end to a wonderful trip.
“When they bought the property they had no idea what they would find behind the trees.”

When they bought the property they had no idea what they would find behind the trees. Sam and Samantha Alwaystakingsightunseenchances bought one hundred acres of land in a far away country. When they traveled there, Sam & Samantha bought two tractors to clear some of the land. To their surprise there was a gigantic castle in the middle of the hundred acres. Sam was startled at the unusual huge property find. Samantha breathed out a big and happy sigh of relief. “Finally I’ve found a place big enough to display all of my collections.”
“Lacy turned to look out the window and gasped in surprise.”

Lacy woke up in the early morning and looked out her bedroom window. There was no school that day. It was a Saturday and she didn’t know what she was going to do. It wasn’t raining so she thought she would head outside and find her friend. She loved the out of doors. She thought she would stroll down to the park and see if her best friend was there.

She left her house in her shorts and sweatshirt and found her friend at the footsteps. The meeting place to the entrance of the park was the cold high stone steps that led to the playground. Her best friend was so happy to see her that he picked her up and swung her around.

That day they would not have to spend alone. Always at some point her friend played basketball. She watched as mostly he enjoyed playing basketball by himself. As she watched, she felt lonely, however she respected his privacy and alone time during his recreational sport.

She remembered the morning, how he spun her around, and loved their beautiful friendship.
“It wasn’t what they wanted, but they would make do.”

The couple was in search of a new house. The old one had finally fallen apart around its inhabitants. They just never wanted to do repairs. Minnie and Marty had high hopes for the next place and were sure that this time they would never have to move.

Therefore, they went into only the nice neighborhoods. The problem, in case after case, was that there too many animals running around everywhere—dogs, cats, you name it—and it was too noisy.

“I thought this was supposed to be the good neighborhood,” Minnie complained.

“I think that everyone is worried that the crooks will want what they have,” Marty said. “And so they’ve got their protection.”

“Well, we don’t have very much and we don’t need much,” Minnie replied. “Why don’t we look in a rural setting for a change?”

“You mean out in the sticks?” Marty answered dubiously. But what Minnie wanted, Minnie always got, so they headed for the sticks. It took quite a long time to find anything there, however, because everything was so spread out. They looked at a couple of houses, but each had a hound dog next door, and where there is a hound dog—Minnie always said—there are bound to be other pests.

They were bone weary when they saw it—the big old house at the end of the country lane. The only problem was that it was deserted. No owners around, no one to deal with.

“I don’t think we can do anything here,” Marty said.

“Someone might come someday,” Minnie said. “And since no one’s here, no one can stop us from moving in. Besides, remember that house where after the former tenants moved out they had left a whole turkey defrosting on the kitchen floor?”

“Yes, that was wonderful.”

They took another look at the old house. It didn’t look like it was in danger of falling down. It wasn’t what they wanted, but they would make do. Sooner or later someone would come. So it was that Minnie and Marty moved in. They didn’t have much: just Minnie’s miniature parasol and a ball of string, and Marty’s old toy hat. But what else did rats need, after all?    
"They climbed to the very top and looked around apprehensively."
by MD

They climbed to the very top and looked around apprehensively.  The “very top” was a deceptive term, as they were actually only at the top of a sand dune, but the sea was breathtaking, and Shawna scanned the horizon for any sign of sharks.  Her companion, Beatrice, reassured her that the coast was clear -- literally. 

“Grab the kelp and the seaweed,” Beatrice instructed.  Take bunches in both your hands.  Then summon the gods of the ocean.  Call for Poseidon, the trident bearer, Neptune.  Their powers will make you whole.”

Shawna did as she was instructed and, with downcast eyes, meditated with the harmony of the waves and the plangent roll of the tides.

“Please, Great Spirits of the Sea,” she chanted with downcast eyes, “bring me your wisdom.  Take all that I offer and make me your servant.”

In response, the ocean only roared behind them.  Suddenly, Beatrice screamed.  “Don’t look behind you!  Only offer yourself the inevitable.”
Shawna had time for only a cursory look over her shoulder before the massive wave grabbed her by the ankles and the seafoam enveloped her body.  Then she was gone.

“I told her not to look back,” Beatrice muttered to herself.  “Now I’m here all by myself and I have no chance to rendevous with Poisedon. With that, Beatrice settled herself into the sand, made a salad of the seaweed and kelp and sat down, far away from the high tidelines, and ate her alfresco lunch.  (Stanley Kubrick)
“We fight too much, she said to her husband, who violently disagreed.”

“We fight too much,” she said to her husband, who violently disagreed. They seemed to disagree about everything from morning until night, when they went to bed. She was tired and he was frustrated. He had expected her to do all the chores and fawn on him. His ego was shattered by her independent mind. If he voted Republican, she voted Democrat and that was only the surface. He took a lover. She overheard him speaking to her on the telephone in sweet tones. So instead of another argument with recriminations, she went to the office where he worked and flirted with his co-workers and ended up dating his boss. This was her revenge. And it worked! They didn’t speak any more. What a relief! Icy silence was better than the former yelling and screaming.

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