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I am an aironaut and live in a small community of wandering Christian sisters. My job is to draw the maps of the territories we visit so that we can remember the areas we have been. I also record the experiences we had there and the histories and names of converts. We show the natives of the region how to make sellable crafts and we take the items to a market.
Some natives are suspicious and think we are stealing their wives, daughers or children when we convert them to our religion. We don't accept men as converts. We take our converts up with us into our airships to show them Heaven and Earth. They are usually so impressed they wobbled when air pressure changes. When they are not impressed we throw them out of the ship.
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by PV
Vijana was so absorbed, but she was dressed well in the garden. I scarcely noticed the other figures frozen in the foliage. Even their floating eyes in their still bodies were eclipsed by Vijana's still gaze - a pond of limpid clear resolve stretching out forever on this day we all were made to play statues. Later, in modes of analysis and recovery, most agreed and everyone said it ws a global pandemic. But I felt we and especially Vijana had lived in a second of God's life.
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by GS
She had been searching through the woods for hours, knowing that the shrine to the Goddess of the Moon was hidden within. It had been built by a coven of Wiccans decades earlier, and many troubled women made the pilgrimage each year. The exact location was never documented to diminish the probability of male interference, thus searching was always needed. Once she found it a profound sense of relief arose in her heart and mind. Now she would be able to express her side of the story to an understanding diety!
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by CC
Lawrence sat in the ruined jet at the bottom of the sea. It was the darn Bermuda Triangle, that's what fouled him up. And now he was obviously dead, still strapped into the pilot's seat. Well, the straps shouldn't pose a problem, he thought, and drifted out into the ocean like a scuba diver. The light cascading through the waves was soothing. But he needed to tell someone what had happened to him before he went on to whatever came next. But how could he do that? He noticed a shark swimming lazily overhead. Could he possess it? It didn't make any sense, but not much did anymore. He floated up and into the shark and took control. They exited the sea in the Florida Keys. He walked the shark's body up to a Kayak Rental stand and knocked with a flipper on the door. The man who opened it roared with laugher and pointed at him. Land shark, he laughed. Land shark! Lawrence flopped away in disgust. He went to a small motel nearby but the story was the same: At every door the person would hoot and holler and shout Land Shark! He felt like a walking comedy routine. It was a cruel joke. He was angry. The next door he knocked on was opened by yet another laid back island type. Lawrence suddenly decided to get proactive. Land shark, he said to the man, and then ate him.
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He felt himself being watched on the street in Tijuana. He turned around and there were three sleuths on the sidwealk. There were a canine and a feline officer from the Chula Vista Police Department. But my criminal luck was with me again! Ole! The three furry officers had been drinking tequila all night long on their stake out. They were drunk out of their gourds by morning. I and a dozen other mule packers all walked right by them and they didn't even notice! Onward mule packers, northward to all the big cities up the coast! We're going to make lots and lots of dinero!
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by AD
The shrine room was apparently keeping the unhealthy spiral at bay along with this very strange man who was dancing. Both of these characters were very strange. The spiral would consume an object in a strange blue light before that item would vanish, and the man was now screaming. The only thing left in this room was the bust of the founder, the monk who built this temple. He didn't have a name so he became known as Shed, short for Shining Head. The spiral went into the bust of Shed and music began to play. We looked over at the man dancing and hopping, screaming "I am the song of Shining Head la la la!" Right then every one of us who had lived in this temple our whole lives, some of us 12, some 90, all realized something. We realized that we worshipped and followed the teachings of a psycho, and all of us wondered why we couldn't see it before.
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