Saturday, December 2, 2017

Session December 2, 2017

Found within the circular ruins were several carvings of a serpent in the same horseshoe shape of the Greek letter Omega.
by MD

Arnold the Alpaca missed his mother. She'd butted him right off the side of the mountain as soon as her milk dried up. "Go on, Arnold." she bleated. "You're on your own now - consider yourself weaned, warned and wise." So, with hardly a backward glance, Arnold ventured down the hill, off to seek his future, and, hopefully, a female alpaca also looking for a family.

After a year of wandering, lonely and bereft, Arnold found himself in the ruins of a Peruvian town. He gazed around him, bewildered. Found within the circular ruins were several carvings of a serpent in the same horseshoe shape of the Greek letter omega. "This means something," Arnold thought to himself. He peeked between the pillars and arches and, lo and behold! what should he spy but a young female alpaca, looking just as lost as he was. "Hello," he bleated at her in his most polite Alpacan. "What do you think of this?" he pranced toward her. "Did you notice...found within the circular ruins are several carvings of a serpent in the same horseshoe shape of the Greek letter omega." Arnold smiled his most winning smile, and stuck out his tongue at the young female in the initial gesture of the Alpacan mating dance. "What's your name?" he asked her.

The pretty female smiled back in an enigmatic way and answered "Alpha."

"Perfect!" Arnold bleated. "Let's get married right here and complete our Greek alphabet! And so they did.*&output-format=auto&output-quality=auto

He had a look of satisfaction on his face.

Jasper was schizophrenic. He fought within himself daily, the positives and negatives in his mixed up life. Yesterday he was Repsaj and that personality was mostly negative in nature, so he wrote himself a note, "I can't do it!" 

This morning his other personality, Jasper, got up with positive enthusiasm. He knew just what to do - get a pair of scissors and cut the "T" off the word can't. 
Jasper looked into the mirror to say good morning to his "personality of the day". He had a look of pure satisfaction on his grinning face. He reminded himself, "I can do it!"

Eugenie patronized the House of Guerlain.
by CT

Eugenie fluffed her feathers and stared at Jerome, the handsome standoffish tom. How she wished he'd notice her!

He sat in that ridiculous, wheeled, square box with one claw posed on one side. He appeared to be conversing with the small human, who held a toy rifle in both hands. 

"At least I hope it's a toy," she muttered into her feathers.

There! She had herself perfumed just the way she liked. She fanned her wings to waft the scent to Jerome. Eugenie patronized the House of Guerlain, and this was a new aroma to tempt him. "Humph!" she grumped into her lovely-smelling breast feathers.

She heard a clicking sound and glanced up. The toy gun was pointed straight at her. She felt the impact of the bullet.

"Oh, damn," she thought, "it's not a toy."

The following morning we met our guides.

The sweat lodge had been a great success. Four of the guests passed out and had to be airlifted to a nearby hospital, but our leader met with them and soon after they were recounting their wondrous out of body experiences where they had met their spirit guides. The rest of us felt left out. Our leader pointed out to us that residual egotism was at the root of our problems, since we had been feeling superior to (as well as sorry for of course) those who had passed out. After a few days he suggested we sign up for a purification ceremony so that we could meet our guides, too.  That night we had to take a cold shower and sleep outside on the ground with only a thin blanket. Then the leader said we were purified enough.

The following morning we met our guides. We were cold and hungry but felt victorious. Our leader had us stand outside under a tree until the guides decided to appear. We had to keep looking at our feet in order to not interfere with their appearance. I had great hopes. When I heard someone clear their throat right in front of me, I dared to look. Before me stood a child from Calcutta who carried a couple of Hindi-to-English dictionaries and a bamboo parasol. She looked at me nervously, then started flipping through the books. “MacDonalds?” she finally asked, a little more hesitantly than I had hoped from a guide. The girl seemed too worried to be a guide, but that was my ego, judging again. I dared to ask, “Buy or Sell?” The girl seemed a little more lively at this. “Buy?” she suggested again, looking at me hopefully, and looked crestfallen when I walked away, all fired up to call my broker.

The next day I bought 5,000 shares of MacDonalds stock, a little nervously, I will admit. My ego was still involved so I thought I knew better than my guide did. But how right she was. In 3 years I sold that stock and retired to a nice house in the Colorado mountains. c8/bf67c84f32717201ff027b21415bbe2d.jpg

Statutes and court decisions are not the whole of the law

I thought, personally, that it was a wonderful statue, and a great likeness of Thoren, the King of the family cervidae, better known as deer—even if his horns did resemble the bare branches of a tree. The bronze work is very fine, but I don’t quite know what happened with the sculptor concerning the horns. It is, however, all anyone can talk about.

There was quite a hullabaloo about the statue in the first place, owing to the fact that the deer family had rebelled from the rule of humans over animal kind. They had gotten a billionaire to build them a spaceship for a voyage to a more reasonable world. “This one,” they declared, “has gone mad.” Of course, millions of people agreed with them, including the man who had funded their space venture, but their pleas for the deer to stay and help work out a common solution fell on deaf ears.

“We must pursue our own destiny,” Thoren replied in a much publicized meeting at the U.N. Well, several nations tried to stop this “silly attempt,” as it was called, with their laws, but the deer had had the foresight to have their spaceship built in Sweden, which was a country that had always maintained its neutrality—even when millions of people were being slaughtered in W.W.II, and so there was nothing they could do about it. Everyone knows already that statues and court decisions are not the whole of the law. The deer had a moral imperative to seek for the higher plain. Besides, the Buddha had been very fond of them, you know, and Thoren had learned meditation in Tibet, which he taught to all the other deer. We could have learned much from them, had they not departed.

Maybe this is why the sculptor had done the horns the way he had, as a kind of final gesture to mollify his detractors in the human population—a thorny issue, to be sure. But, I don’t think that Thoren’s kind cared at all about it. 

Incidentally, a message came back to earth sometime after that, ostensibly from Thoren. It was typically brief: “Have ascended to celestial realm. Nirvana awaits all who follow.” 

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