Saturday, December 5, 2015

Session December 5 2015!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/image.jpg

"She refused to cook dinner on Fridays; he ate takeout instead."
by GS

All he had left was one small picture of Sally as a young girl. Everything else had been lost in the fire on that inauspicious Friday the 13th when he had insisted she cook his dinner. Usually she refused to cook dinner on Friday; he ate takeout instead. But that fateful day he decided to assert himself as master of the house after only two months of wedded bliss. 

At first Sally refused, but he was adamant so she violated her religious beliefs and went to work in the kitchen. She must have been feeling resentment for the next minute the entire kitchen was aflame. Sally perished, the house was destroyed, and all  he recovered was this one picture. Guilt destroyed his mind and he never ate takeout again.    

“Please don’t touch it,” said Richard. “You have no idea how upset I feel when you touch it.”
by CC

Rachel and Richard lived in the Netherlands. They were born in Florida but had migrated to Rotterdam due to their love for canals and wooden shoes. This love grew stronger the longer they lived there. They began to wear full costumes as Richard became more and more obsessed with things Dutch. He had closets full of accoutrements and trinkets.

Rachel hated the apron for obvious reasons, but she hated the hat only slightly less. Yet she loved Richard, so she complied with his wishes. However, she could not stand his costume either, particularly the hat.

“Please don’t touch it,” said Richard. “You have no idea how upset I feel when you touch it.” 

Rachel recoiled from her ministrations on his head. “Your hat was crooked, Richard!” she said. “It looked silly like that.”

“I don’t care about the hat,” he snapped back at her. They stood quietly posing for passing tourists, then he spoke again. “It’s not about the hat.”

She looked straight ahead in embarrassment. Oh, how had he known? He kept it so well hidden.

There was no point in denying it. So she said nothing.

“He couldn’t believe she fit so much stuff in such a small space”
by RC

Egor had determined that he would do something to make people take him seriously. Enough of the flippant, “Yeah, yeah” that everyone came out with whenever he said anything about his ideas. He would get their attention! And, of course, with a name like Egor, he had to work extra hard to get people’s attention, because most people wanted to ignore anyone  with a name like that. Egor was not dumb, he just looked dumb. He was actually brilliant enough to have come up with several inventions that could have benefited society, if they would have listened to him. He had been to the Pentagon more than once. Now the guards had been given express orders to bar the doors when he arrived.

Oh, Egor was as harmless as a common fly, but the generals were tired of him. But now, Egor had come up with something that was sure to make them realize his worth. After long experimentation with magnetism and biochemistry, he had made his body into one big attraction, repulsion machine. He could attract things to himself or repel himself away from things. He had only to twitch his ears a certain way and it would work: forward was attraction and backwards was repulsion. Did I say that Egor could move his ears? Yes, he was a very clever and flexible person, as well as brilliant.

One day he went to see his favorite person, Esmerelda. She wanted to show him something and he wanted to impress her, so he flipped his ears back. She wanted to show him her silver collection tucked into a tiny case, and he flipped his ears the wrong way. He couldn’t believe she fit so much stuff in such a small space.
Katerina Plotnikova

“The room was too warm so he opened a window.”

When Teddy Bear awoke from his hibernation, it was extremely warm. He realized he must have overslept. The room was too warm, so he opened a window. Well, it wasn’t exactly a window rather, a hole in the side of his bear cave room.

When he emerged, what should Teddy Bear spy but a beautiful princess waltzing through the forest a dancing vision, lithe and graceful. He approached her cautiously. He didn’t want to frighten her; he’d had a previous bad experience when he was just a cub with a little girl named Goldilocks. That was a nightmare he did not want to repeat. Therefore, he sidled up to her as quietly as possible and danced alongside her until he caught her eye.

The beautiful princess was not alarmed. She curtsied to him politely, and he kissed her hand like a courtly gentleman. Then the unlikely pair sauntered off together and he led her into his cave, where he proceeded to enjoy his springtime wakeup breakfast after his long winter hibernation.

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