Monday, October 13, 2014

Session October 11 2014
"He never slept well again."
by BG

Frank and Jake were very private, keeping to themselves on their large wooded estate. They only went into town occasionally for supplies that they wanted which could not be either  delivered by mail or part of the standing order that the housekeeper fetched while on the regular shopping day each month. They just could not understand how the intruders came to learn of them and were coming round to accost them for their lifestyle. In this day and age, communication out in the country was not terribly accurate or really efficient, and people with alternate lifestyles could normally live a secluded life in peace without worrying about outsiders' attitudes. Why did their life have to be interrupted, thought Frank. He was really distressed about this situation and was very concerned about his partner Jake's health and well being. Jake could not cope with this difficulty by himself if something happened to Frank. He felt that they were like two peas in a pod. Though they were a very unusual couple during this time of strife and world war, this new century was an era of change and relationships like theirs were becoming more possible  Ah, they would have to keep each other safe, taking all kinds of precautions, however, since the first incident, he never slept well again.
“They had been on the road too long”
by RC

Harriet and Jon had started on the grand tour—they’d forgotten just when, but it had been months now—and they had seen many strange things and many beautiful scenes in the world. Harriet was what is called a “rich dowager” and money was no object, so she had decided to travel around the world. She naturally took her trusty chinese servant with her. Some people may have made the claim that Harriet was a trifle eccentric, but when you are rich you can have things your way, and Jon was essential to her.

They had started from England and traveled through Europe, seeing Paris, and the Swiss Alps, and the famous Brandenburg gate in Germany, and the Italian coast, and Rome. And then they had gone south to the great pyramid at Giza. They had taken a ship to Borneo and ended in Australia. From there they had traveled to the Figi islands. It had been exhausting at times, but also very intersting and occasionally exciting.

But, when they got to that Asian site, somewhere in the jungles, and had stood by the giant sculpture of a man’s face—which she was informed was the face of an ancient king, known for his terrible vengence on his enemies—well, that was just too much. For the face was, as far as Harriet was concerned, the exact image of her late tyrannical husband. That was when she decided that they had een on the road too long. This was one face that she had never wanted to see or think about again. Jon’s plain, dough-boy face was perfectly satisfactory to her from now on, and he knew who was in charge.
He wasn’t looking forward to the job.

Julian looked through the glass at the man in the observation chamber. He was still agitated. This wasn’t good. Normally the drug would have worked by now. Julian watched him for a few minutes before going back to the control panels.

He wasn’t looking forward to the job. Why did this kind of thing always happen on his shift?  The dials spun and glowed; he watched the numbers rise as gas entered the chamber. He could hear the man scrabbling about but soon the sounds stopped.

So sad. His wife Lilypad Girl had a human for a pet once. It was a female they called Butterfly and she was very sweet. They fed her scraps from their table and she seemed to be OK, but Lilypad Girl felt something was wrong. They took Butterfly to the vet who said she had a wasting disease, so they had to put her down. Julian cried for a week after that. They buried her in the backyard and to this day Lilypad could be found sitting by the grave at evening.

Julian wasn’t a hunter. He was a vegetarian. Sometimes the other crew members called him Pond Scum Eater, but that only made him more determined. The thought of eating a human made him ill. Why was he doing this job anyway? He didn’t need the money that badly. He looked at the schedule on the wall and saw that Mudfoot wasn’t due to come on for hours yet. An idea occurred to him.

He slipped into the observation room and dragged the man out. He was really a nice looking human. Lilypad Girl would feel a lot better if she had another one. It might make her forget Butterfly. He led the dazed man to his car and drove him home. They would call him Dragonfly!
"They were truly a family at last, she felt."
by PV

After Cousin Alphie's impromptu stunt - accidental - in piloting a skiff with himself strapped to the seat over the Ottawa Rapids, Annie knew she would be hearing about it in family outings until Kingdom Come. Now, Annie didn't really think much of Alphie, especially with all his bantering and posturing. The women in her family were the sort that could take a bull by the horns and wrestle it to the ground instead of teasing with a red cape like those prancing Spanish Matadors. Determined to put an end to Alphie's masochistic maundering, Annie conceived a way to put a final statement on all that. Later, standing by her Niagara Falls barrel, they were truly a family at last, she felt.
"It is obvious that I cannot acquire faith in these people at the start," Franco told them.

"Franco" the Italian back cat snuck aboard the big ocean liner and sailed to America. He was suspicious of the people he heard speaking a language he was not familiar with. Some people saw him pussyfooting around the Statue of Liberty. One man didn't see him hiding under a park bench and stepped on his tail! One lady tossed him a bitten-into sandwich but some dog beat him to it. One lady threw Franco some Cheetos as she tried to coax the hungry cat to come to her. It was a noisy, busy and scary place for the foreign cat. After a few days in the USA, Franco surmised "It is obvious that I cannot acquire faith in these people at the start."

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